Reports and Articles

Councillor attitudes towards citizen engagement: New report
Findings from a survey of councillor attitudes towards citizen engagement, created as part of Public Square.
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How To Run A Citizens' Assembly: Handbook
Created as part of the Innovation in Democracy Programme, this handbook provides practical insight into what is involved in running a Citizens' Assembly - from inception to receiving recommendations from citizens.
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Reflections from the Jury: Week Two
Reflections from Mike Lodge as he enters week two of judging award nominees
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Flatpack Democracy: Reclaiming Local Politics
When Independents for Frome took over their town council they built a less combative, more participatory style of local politics. Based on their experiences, Flatpack Democracy is a movement that’s sharing these lessons and helping others on the same journey.
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Reflections from the Jury: Week One
Mike Lodge reports on his experience from the judging panel of the Awards, with some of his initial reflections
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Key ingredients for co-production: Roundtable reflections
Reflections from our online co-production roundtable. What are the key ingredients for co-production?
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Crises, identity and the future of democracy: Upcoming research
Clara Affun-Adegbulu outlines her upcoming research on how current crises are shaping identify in the black community and how this in turn may affect political engagement.
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Democracy and Public Square
Politics and democracy are often seen as being two sides of the same coin. That’s not really true.
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